February 16, 2019 winners301 singles:First place, Phil Second place, Denise Third place, Ian Round Robin: First place, Shawn Second place, Ian Third place, Kellie |
July 23, 2016 winners301 singles:First place, winners coming soon! (I hope?) Second place, Third place, Round Robin: First place, Second place, Third place, October 24, 2015 winners301 singles:First place, Craig Roisum Second place, Mike Bangsund Third place, Kellie Bangsund Round Robin: First place, Joe Chastek Second place, Kellie Bangsund Third place, Mike Bangsund June 27, 2015 winners301 Double Elimination:First place: Joe Chastek Second place: Shawn Bangsund Third place: Barb Bangsund Round Robin: First place: Joe Chastek Second place: Gail Drake Third place: Phil Sporer November 2, 2014 winners301 single double eliminationFirst place: Sam Jasmine Second Place: Shawn Bangsund Third Place: Charlene Doll Got Ya First Place: Mike Bangsund Second Place: Sam Jasmine Third Place: Kari Giddings June 7, 2014 winners301 Singles Double elimination:first place: Mike Bangsund second place: Shawn Bangsund third place: Phil Sporer Round Robin to be played at a later date. Second half of June 7 tournament on July 26, 2014 winnersRound Robinfirst place: Mike Bangsund second place: Shawn Bangsund third place: Charlene Doll Fall 2013 winners (if anyone knows the exact date, let me know.)301 double elimination:First place: Shaun Johnson Second place: Catalina Roisum Third place: Sam Jasmine Round Robin: First place: Sam Jasmine Second place: Joe Russel Third place: Joe Chastek Click here to go back to the news pageClick here to go back to the index page |