Twin Cities Blind Audio Dart League Bylaws

Last updated August 22, 2023.


The Twin Cities Blind Audio Dart League is organized to promote darts in a recreational, competitive community setting for disabled and non-disabled persons.

  1. The League shall have as its Board of Directors a minimum of seven members.  President, Vice President, Treasurer, Team Captain Representative, and three at large positions serving one-year terms.
  2. The league shall elect an alternate board member who attends a meeting in the event that a board member at large is not able to attend a board meeting.
  3. All members are voting members with the exception of the President unless their vote is needed to break a tie.
  4. Officers and Board of Directors must be active league members in good standing.  An active league member is one that is currently participating as an active or reserve player in the current season.
  5. The Board of Directors shall act as the legislative body concerning fulfillment of the goals and objectives of the Twin Cities' Blind Audio Dart League functions, finances, regulations, activities, and goals and will be guided by the league's Mission Statement.
  6. There will be a minimum of two annual meetings of the Board of Directors as called for by the President.  Notification of meetings shall go to all Officers, Board of Directors, alternate board member and general membership.
  7. All board meetings are open and attendance of league members is encouraged unless the board must meet in an emergency, meet between regularly scheduled board meetings, or take disciplinary actions on a league member.
  8. All officers and board of directors must participate in at least one standing committee and need not be the chair.

  1. The President shall:

    1. Prepare the agenda.
    2. Preside as chairperson at all Board of Directors meetings and General Assembly meetings.
    3. Present the actions and recommendations of the committees to the Board of Directors and General Assembly.
    4. Determine and notify all team captains and Board members regarding the cancellation of games due to weather, transportation problems, etc.
    5. Be responsible for all maintenance of all the league's dart boards and vendor contracts for the repairs and notify venues when dart boards are going to be removed.
    6. Be responsible for, with approval of the Board of Directors, the location of all the league's dart boards.

  2. The Vice President shall:

    1. Act as league determinant for any violation of rules, where it pertains to league play, as brought by the captains.  In the case that the vice president is involved in the dispute, the president will make the decision.  If the president is unable to make the decision, then the captain's representative will decide.
    2. Act as league determinant for any league violation of rules as brought by a league member. In the case that the vice president is involved in the dispute, the president will make the decision. If the president is unable to make the decision, then the Board of Directors will decide.
    3. Act as chairperson to the Rules Committee.
    4. Perform the duties of the President in their absence.

  3. The Treasurer is the Chief Financial Officer of the organization. The Treasurer shall:

    1. Deposit funds and distribute checks as directed by the Board of Directors.
    2. Prepare a monthly detailed financial report, and post to the general list.  This report contains the amount of money on hand and the source, and the purpose of payee and the disbursements.
    3. File a Form 990 and post on league website, Report of Organization Exempt From Income Tax, on the 15th day of the 5th month ending the fiscal or calendar year, and file with the state of Minnesota our corporate records.
    4. Expenditures or distributions of league funds should be recommended by the Treasurer and must be approved by the Board of Directors.
    5. Treasurer does not need board approval for expenditures or distribution of $50 or less.
    6. All Treasurer's reports and bank statements are to be kept on file either through paper or electronic format and passed on to future treasurers for a minimum of seven years.
    7. Treasurer shall arrange to have a review of all records from an outside source on an annual basis, thirty days after the end of the fiscal year.
    8. Pay for all renewals such as domain and web hosting.
    9. Receive a yearly stipend of $250.

  4. The Captains Representative is an elected position and holds a voting seat on the Board of Directors.  The Captains Representative will:

    1. Hold at least one captain's rep meeting prior to the start of the season and have additional meetings at their discretion.
    2. Write and distribute an agenda prior to each Captains Representative meeting.
    3. Determine the date for all team rosters to be turned in.
    4. Write and send to the secretary a yearly league game schedule.
    5. Keep accurate team rosters and a list of all substitute players and turn these over to the Secretary, next Captains Representative, and Statistician prior to the beginning of the season.
    6. Act as league determinant for any violation of rules, where it pertains to league play, only if president and vice-president are not able to do so.

  5. The Secretary shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors.  The term of the secretary shall run from the board meeting in August till the following board meeting in August. The President with the approval of the Board of Directors may dismiss the Secretary.  The Secretary is responsible for:

    1. Record all meetings and have minutes available and posted no later than 14 days after meetings.
    2. Keep all records.
    3. Keep all league correspondence as directed by the Board of Directors.
    4. Provide copies of the agendas for all of the Board of Directors meetings.
    5. Keep copies of the organization's records, bylaws, etc.
    6. Notify members of the board of directors of upcoming meetings by either phone or e-mail.
    7. Maintain rosters (league members), committees, Board of Directors, and Officers.
    8. Type and distribute documents and letters.
    9. All correspondence, meeting minutes, and agendas are to be kept on file either through paper or electronic format and passed on to future secretaries for a minimum of seven years.

  6. The Statistician will be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors.  The term of the Statistician shall run from the board meeting in August till the following board meeting in August.  The Statistician must:

    1. Keep copies of all stats.
    2. Abide by the rules of play when teams turn in stats after each weeks' games.
    3. Compile and put out weekly team standings by Monday, 9:00 pm; stats are due by Friday 11:59 pm from the teams.
    4. Compile end of year individual and team stats.
    5. Send the treasurer a listing of players eligible for prizes or special awards.
    6. Receive a yearly stipend of $250.00.

  7. The Web Master shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors. The term of the web master shall run from the board meeting in August till the following board meeting in August. The President with the approval of the Board of Directors may dismiss the web master. The web master is responsible for:

    1. Post meeting minutes from board and general meetings as given by secretary for the last 7 years.
    2. Post up and coming events and fundraisers.
    3. Post and update season schedule, locations, rules of play, bylaws, current officers and committees, current captain's and teams and Form 990 Tax Returns.
    4. Web master will only post and update information given by president or secretary.

  1. All Officers shall be elected at the spring meeting.  They will be elected for a one-year term.
  2. None may be elected to the same position for more than three consecutive years with the exception of the Treasurer or statistician whose terms of office are not limited.
  3. No Board member may miss more then one board meeting without an excused absence. The President must be contacted at least 24 hours, if possible, prior to board meetings. Persons that do not shall be dismissed from the Board.
  4. In case a vacancy occurs, at the next regular meeting the Board of Directors shall elect a person from the Board membership to serve the unexpired term.
  5. No Officer or member of the Board of Directors will receive compensation as it pertains to their duties.
  6. In the event of disbandment, the Officers and Board of Directors shall have the responsibility of auctioning all dart boards and returning all funds in the treasury to a non-profit organization of their choice.


Committees may be appointed by the President or by a majority vote of the Board of directors when and as the need arises.
  1. Bylaws and Rules of Play Committee:
    1. The Vice-president will act as chairperson
    2. Will have at least 2 members from each team represented
    3. Will propose changes to the bylaws and the rules of play and present them every 2 years. (Last meeting was held in August 2023.)
    4. Will meet prior to the fall general meeting

  1. There will be two annual meetings of the General Assembly: one prior to the dart season and the other during the spring.

  1. Elections will be held at the spring meeting only.
  2. The president will arrange for nonvoting members to assist with the tallying of votes during the spring elections.
  3. In the event of a tie, there will be a roll call vote.
  4. A voting member must be an active league member in good standing. An active league member is one that is current in their dues and has played a minimum of ½ of the season.
  5. Bylaws and rules of play changes will be proposed by the bylaws and rules of play committee during the summer and voted on at the fall general meeting.
  6. Only League business will be discussed and acted upon.
  7. The annual banquet and awards will be held in May following the end of the season.


Season Awards shall include, but not be limited to:
  1. The Chuck Cerisier Memorial Award for Rookie of the Year
  2. The Michael Mattson Award for Most Improved Player
  3. Team Standings
  4. Most Individual Points
  5. Most Zero Outs
  6. Low Round Zero Out
  7. Most Low Scores
  8. Most Tons
  9. High Ton

  1. The League shall abide by Federal and State laws while engaged in league functions.
  2. The league shall abide by any rules imposed by the venues and the league will support the venue if they choose to prosecute any violators.
  3. Any infraction deemed proven by the board of directors is cause for dismissal from the dart league.
  4. The League shall abide by Federal and State laws pertaining to discrimination and sexual harassment.

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