Twin Cities Blind Audio Dart League Minutes

Twin Cities Blind Audio Dart League
Board Meeting August 28, 2022

President Therese Dahlberg called the meeting to order at 6:31 PM.

In attendance were Therese, Ellen, Gary, April, Lisa, Brian.

League play will begin on September 13 at 6:30.

Bylaws need to be reviewed every two years, since they were amended in August 2021 there was no need to review the bylaws at this meeting.

Therese suggested we recognize birthdays, veterans, anniversaries etc. If you would like to be recognized or recognize someone with their permission send an email to Janet at
she will maintain a list and send out an announcement the first of each month recognizing events for that month.

Therese suggested we consider doing one fund-raiser for new dart boards. She will check with Kellie B. to see what the amount is in the board fund.

Currently we pay the treasurer $500 per year. Therese suggested we split the funds between treasurer and statistician. After discussion a motion was made by Gary and seconded by Ellen to authorize $600.00 to be split between the treasurer and statistician.

(Secretary's note: president Dahlberg since learned that this needs to be a bylaw change so will be discussed in August 2023 when the bylaws are reviewed.)

VFW would like to host the entire dart league: two boards in the dining room and one in the back room. The boards are closer at VFW but there is no echo and it is warmer. There are also individuals who do not want to play at VFW. We will discuss this at the membership meeting.

We discussed purchasing grabbers to pick up darts. Lisa made a motion seconded by Gary to purchase three grabbers one for each cabinet. Brian will get them for the league.

A motion was made by Gary and seconded by Lisa, the meeting adjourned at 7:09 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Janet Dickelman, TCBADL Secretary

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