Twin Cities Blind Audio Dart League Minutes

Twin Cities Blind Audio Darts League membership meeting, May 17, 2022

Meeting Started at 6:37 pm

Kellie B
Kelly H
Kelly P

President/Vice President Report

Had a season with Covid interruption

New rugs on the dart boards - need to fix the last one at the Eagle's (will do over the summer)

Dart boards worked for the most part - One by the door at Eagle's is not working - Sam will be notified when she does the dart board maintenance

Secretary's Report - no business

Treasurer's Report

$3241.17 starting balance
Amazon Smile $13.06
Dues $2222
Total Deposits $2235.06

PO Box renewal $146

Balance 5/17/22 - $5330.23

Officers and Board Members


Kelly P & Byron will not be re-running for the board members

Alternate Board Member - Therese

President -

Chris will not be re-running for President
Colleen nominated Gary (respectfully declined)
Lisa nominated Al (respectfully declined)
Lisa nominated Therese (respectfully declined)
Kelly H. nominated Ellen (respectfully declined)

No current nominations - will need to send email and bring up at banquet

Vice President -

Phil will not be re-running

No current nominations - will need to send email and bring up at banquet

Treasurer - Kellie B.

Secretary - Janet (if she wants)

Stats -

Byron & April nominated - Jordan


Capitan's Rep -

Kelly P. & Gary Nominate - Annie

Motion on remove 1 director at large board member

Starting 2024 - there would be 2 members at large and President would be tie breaker

Therese motioned, Gary seconded

No discussion

Motion carried unanimously

President Chris - propose moving the general meeting back to the banquet

Starting 2024

Gary moves and Colleen Seconded

No discussion

Motion carried unanimously

Kellie B. - PO Box is located in downtown Minneapolis

2023 Fall

Motion by Colleen and seconded by Kelly P

Will keep for PO Box for taxes

Would be helpful if dues could be mailed to Kellie's home address

Kellie's address will be put in the captains folders

Motion carried unanimously

Therese asking about emails not going to all members

Email list was set up by Ian Moon several years ago
Ian gave Chris the Username & Password because it askes for a code that is being texted to Ian and Ian won't respond to emails
Recommendation by Chris & Byron to incoming board to set up a new email address that everyone has access to post to - make secondary go to an email address and not a text number
Chris will set it up

Byron made motion to adjourn, seconded by Ellen

Meeting ended at 7:18 pm

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