Twin Cities Blind Audio Dart League
Board meeting
March 9, 2021
President Peterson called meeting to order at 7:34 pm
Reason For Meeting
- Vaccinations
- COVID Trending Down (Still High)
- Thinking about fall season
- Summer Events
- General Meeting for Elections
President Report (Chris Peterson)
- Very quiet
- Some conversations with venues
Vice President Report (Phil Sporer)
- Venues
- VFW: Excited for us to come back
- Memory Lanes: Officially on the books
- Eagles: Fine with return
Secretary Report
Treasure Report
- Start $6567.43
- Deposit Amazon Smile $24.08
- Supplies $62
- PO Box $118
- Board Maintenance $302
- Web $32
- Prize Money $1900
- Total Out $2362.87
- Current Balance $4290.65
- Reserve Scholarship Fund $509
- Dart Board Fund $1248
- Tournament Fund $1570
Chris motions to accept treasury report, second by Ian, no discussion, all in favor, none opposed, motion carries
Old Business
- Bylaws
- Send Out Bylaw + Feedback
- Carpet
- Chris was going to get new carpet squares for the dart boards
New Business
- Elections
- Survey Monkey to be used for positions with competition
- Google Forms
- Playing in Fall
- Everyone is excited and wanting to play
- Election May 4th, 2021
- Phil Motioned
- Second Gary
- All in favor, no opposed, no discussion, motion carried
Phil made motion to end meeting at 8:11 pm, second by Annie