Twin Cities Blind Audio Dart League Minutes

Twin Cities Blind Audio Dart League General meeting
July 12, 2020

Meeting came to order 1:05 p.m.

New Board for 2020-2021, Ended up to be a White Ballot, so no voting was needed.

President: Chris Peterson

Vice President: Phill Sporer

Captain Rep Ian Moon

Treasurer: Kelly Bangsund

Board seats: Barb Bangsund, Debbie Shane, and Annie Sporer
Alternate board seat: Kelly Peterson

There will be no picnic or banquet, due to cost and venue.

Chris will contact Tiffanys and Merlins about having the dart teams playing there in September.

Money will be mailed out, please contact Kelly Bangsund with address or with Venmo information. Trophies will be held until we meet in September and given to those individuals.

Chris will take care of getting the new rugs and toe boards for all the Dart boards.

Adjourned 1:43 p.m.

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