Twin Cities Blind Audio Dart League Minutes

Twin Cities Blind Audio Dart League
Board meeting notes

April 28th 2019

Board members present, Phil, Gary, Kellie, Annie, Shawn, Jordan, and Abby

Secretary's report was read, and accepted.

Treasurer's report

Opening balance $2322.10


Amazon $27.94
Puffins $736.50
Day tournament $157.50
Daily Three tickets

Total deposits $4636.25 which includes Dues and Daily three money


Raffle Tickets: $7.88
Puffins $504.50

Total expenses: $512.38

Ending balance as of April 26th 2019: $6556.41

Reserve accounts

Scholarship fund: $589.50
Dart Board fund: $1496.20 will be updated after all dues are in

Tournament fund: $442.90 will be updated
Puffins made: $275.00
Day tournament made: $157.50

Daily three tickets we are still collecting money and totaling.

Vice President Report

Had a small problem with Dans dog, talked to him and issue was fixed. Otherwise a few minor issues.

Captain's rep report

Year was good, one mistake on the schedule which was fixed.

Committee reports


Puffins $275.00
Day tournament
Daily 3

Do some tweaks to handing out numbers and money management for the Daily 3

Hope to plan stuff over the summer when have more free time.

Tournament Report

Had a day tournament

Did not fundraise enough for a big tournament


Did not have enough time to do much outreach.

Old business

Still did not look at locks they use at VLR

Did not do the expo at the University of Minnesota was not informed about it.

New business

Kellie feels our league focuses on the big tournament every year, and it takes away from our mission statement. She suggested we stop having our yearly tournament and focus on more on things the league actually wants to do since under half the league participates in the yearly tournament. We could use the funds we collect for tournament for things like help paying for the banquet, or a summer picnic, or even lowering weekly dues.

Kellie also suggested with more focus just on league business we would not need as big of a board to run the league. We would need to change the bylaws. Shawn made a motion to bring this to a league wide vote on Restructuring the league and putting the focus on the league instead of a yearly tournament. Seconded by Gary. More discussion: Positions we would have is President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, statistician/Captains rep combined. Motion passed

Annie feels our boards are getting pretty beat up, she suggested we buy all new boards, and auctioning off our old boards to dart league members.

Annie made a motion to replace at least 2 boards if not all 3 depending on how much money is in the board fund. Seconded by Abby. Discussion, the new president will be in charge of ordering the boards, hope to order them in May. Motion passed. Will also be voted on by the general membership.

Open discussion

There was no open discussion.

Shawn made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Gary.

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