Twin Cities Blind Audio Dart League August 27th General meeting President Phil called the meeting to order at 1:04 pm. Board members present: Jordan, Colleen, Gary, Gail, Shawn (secretary) and 8 general members were present Secretary's report was read, motion to accept secretary's report made by Gary, seconded by Gail. Treasurer's report For the Period: 6/1/2016 to 5/31/2017 Beginning Balance as of 6/1/2016, 4,471.57 Deposits: Weekly Dues, 5,069.00 Donations, 1,600.00 Total Fundraisers, $2,178.17 Total Tournament, $2,307.50 Miscellaneous, $408.03 Total Deposits, $11,562.70 Expenses: Dart Board cleaning and repair, $468.30 Fundraiser Expenses, $1,301.99 Tournament Expenses, $7,848.16 Dart Supplies, $55.68 End of Year Awards, $3,395.00 Miscellaneous, $561.30 PO Box Rental, $70.00 Total Expenses:, $13,700.43 Ending Balance as of 5/31/2017, $2,333.84 Reserved Accounts: Scholarship Fund, $73.50 Dart Board Fund:, $1,807.02 Tournament Fund, $87.50 Available Cash, $365.82 Gail was wondering what all the miscellaneous expenses and deposits are. Could not answer that question without the treasurer there. Phil had a question about some of the statements sent out over the summer, where dart board repair was taken from the wrong account Shawn made a motion to accept treasurer's report, seconded by Gary Vice President's Report Gary hopes we all have a good year, is available when needed, he does work so may not respond immediately. Gary's girlfriend is on the voicemail so don't be confused. Captain's rep report Season will start September 12th, 28 weeks and end April 3rd. Same schedule as last year just captains names are changed. Folders will be passed out by week 1. Braille should be done by week 1 as well. Last week before Christmas is December 19th and come back January 9th. No break for elections this year. Committee reports Fundraising report Doing potbellies fundraiser monthly so far this summer, making around $100 each time Had a Scentsy party, no idea on the amount yet. Going to have a pampered chef party Probably do puffins Daily 3 tickets are ready and will be passed out. Captains remember to hand them out ASAP. Shawn talked about little Caesars fundraiser for frozen pizzas, chick fillet, and Buffalo Wild Wings. Reminder of the Amazon smile fundraiser where we get a percentage back when we shop at Amazon. Always looking for suggestions for new fundraisers. Tournament Committee We will have it at the Comfort inn in Bloomington. It will be the third weekend in February. Need to spend $200 at Outback. $80 for microphone. $89 for hotel room rental. Will sign the contract very soon. The cost of the room will be $300. Outreach committee will be starting back up this year. Phil was in contact with a woman from the STP program for a demonstration, but she did not get back to him over the summer. We will have 2 new people on the league this year. Will try to talk to people at VLR as well. Old business Rugs will be installed today, and at VFW when Shawn plays down there next. Shawn also has a lock for the board at VFW Venues were not able to get the room at Memory Lanes. We will be playing at Eagles Club, Merlins Rest, and Richfield VFW New Business Will be starting up outreach it will be chaired by Phil, Gary volunteered as well. Still looking for more volunteers to help with outreach Want to look for a new lock solution, these locks are not very durable. Talked about looking at a lock that might have a number pad on it. Open Discussion Nancy made a motion that we should have 2 people on the checkbook for the dart league, in case of anything happening to the current treasurer we have a way to access the money still, seconded by Shawn. It should be either president or vice president that would be on the checking account. Motion passed Nancy made a motion that we should have a co-chair on the fundraiser committee for checks and balance purposes. Motion passed Shawn made a motion to explore the possibility of paying a stipend for the treasurer, will talk about how much, and stipulations at a later time. Motion seconded by Phil, motion passed Presidential Appointments Lisa will be webmaster Shawn will be Secretary Statistician will be Annie Committee Chairs Outreach will be chaired by Phil, Gary, and Joe R. Fundraising Catalina Chair, Colleen Tournament Gail Chair, Nancy, and Annie Shawn made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Nancy. Meeting ended at 2:12 Shawn Bangsund Secretary Click here to go back to the minutes pageClick here to go back to the index page |