Twin Cities Blind Audio Dart League

2010 - 2011 League Year Awards Banquet

First place Barb B's team with 130 wins and 50 losses
Second place Gail's team with 115 wins and 65 losses
Third place Don's team with 85 wins and 89 losses
Fourth place Sam's team with 83 wins and 91 losses
Fifth place Diane's team with 64 wins and 116 losses
Sixth place Gar's team with 42 wins and 129 losses

Most points
first Joe Chastek 115 points
second Mike Bangsund 96 points
third Sam Jasmine 94 points

Most zero outs
first Joe Chastek 19
second Shaun Johnson 15
third Mike Bangsund 13

Low Round Zero Out
Mike Lee 4th round, 3rd dart

Most low scores
first Sam Jasmine and Kellie Bangsund tied 27
second Al Fryc 25
third Joe Chastek 24

Most tons
first Shaun Johnson 14
second Mike Bangsund and Dan Ellingsberg tied 11
third Joe Chastek, Al Fryc, and Gar Giddings tied 10

High ton
Dan Ellingsberg 152

Rookie of the Year
Joe Russell 39 points

Most improved player
Vince Llanas 0.482 points per game

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