Twin Cities Blind Audio Dart League Minutes

Twin Cities Blind Audio Dart League
Board Meeting April 11, 2023

April 11 2023 Twin Cities Audio Blind Darts League

President Therese Dahlberg called the meeting to order at called the meeting to order at 6:21 PM.

All board members were present except for Annie Giddings.

Therese brought up replacing the three dart boards. Sam Jasmine was contacted, she has several other boards to replace and will let us know in a month if they can be replaced by fall.

The board replacement will be $1,800, we have approximately $1,700 in the board fund, we could take the additional money from the tournament fund.

A motion was made by Gary and seconded by Lisa to replace the boards. The motion carried. Kelli Bangsund has a league board at her home she will bring it to VFW.

President Dahlberg then brought up the possibility of giving cash instead of purchasing trophies.

Trophies cost about $300.

A motion was made by Kellie B. and seconded by April to recommend to the membership that we give out money instead of trophies to those who would have received a trophy.

We also discussed the scholarship fund for newcomers the board decided it could also be used for anyone who is in need.

The fund currently has has $509.50.

Therese thanked the board for a smooth year.

A motion was made by Kellie B. and seconded by Gary to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Janet Dickelman TCABDL secretary

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