Twin Cities Blind Audio Dart League Minutes

Twin Cities Blind Audio Dart League
General Meeting April 18th 2017

President Annie called the meeting to order at 6:35PM

Board members present Shawn, Jordan, Gary and 14 general members were present.

Secretary's report was read Kellie B. motioned to accept, Gary seconded, motion passed.

Treasurer's report

Beginning Balance as of 12/1/2016, $6,989.29


Team Dues, $2,423.00
Tupperware Fundraiser, $134.00
Anthony waldera (received in error), $200.00
Puffin Fundraiser, $597.00
Donations, $600.00
Quarters from tournament, $87.50
Daily 3 fundraiser, $1,310.00
Tournament registrations, $2,420.00

Total Deposits, $7,771.50


PayPal Fee, $18.64
Rugs for toe boards, $59.50
Dart board cords, $91.84
Target gift cards for spotters, $77.74
Refund of tournament fees, $100.00
Microphone for tournament, 164.94
Anthony waldera , $200.00
Puffin expense, $372.00
Dart supplies, $55.58
daily 3 winners, $900.00
tournament prizes, $5,610.00
meal stipend for tournament director, $60.00
lodging for tournament director, $217.12
dart board rental, $300.00
tournament room, $1,496.10

total Expenses: $9,723.46

Ending Balance As of 3/31/2017, $5,037.33

Reserved Accounts:

Scholarship Fund, $73.50
Dart Board Fund: $1,987.02
Tournament Fund, $144.00
Available Cash, $2,832.81

Shawn made a motion to accept treasurers report seconded by Gary, motion passed.

Vice president report

Shawn had nothing to report, its been a great year. Colleen did ask Shawn about the lock for the board at VFW and he told her Chris had a lock ready and he just had to put it on there and would let her know the combination.

Captains Rep report

There really wasn't one, since the captains rep wasn't there.

Fundraising report

Fundraisers we have had.

There was Tupperware this fall
Daily 3
Hayward popcorn
50 50 tickets at the tournament

Catalina is working on more

Tournament Committee report

Had about 25 people.

A few issues with the noise of the room we had, but should be better with the room next year.

May look into a different venue in Bloomington Next year.

Tournament 2017 income and expenses


Tournament Registrations, $2,420.00
Donations, $1,600.00
Fundraisers, $1,265.71
Tournament Fund, $660.00
Quarters From 2016 Tournament, $138.25
2016 Tournament Surplus, $931.30
Cub Foods, $387.32
50/50 From 2016, $154.50

total, $7,557.08 +++


Tournament Prizes, $5,610.00
Meal Stipend, $60.00
dart board rental, $300.00
Target gift card for spotters, $77.86
Microphone, $164.94
Tournament Room, $1,496.10
Annette's Room, $217.12

Total, $7,926.02

In the Red, $(368.94)

Prepared by Catalina Martinez, Treasurer

Shawn explained that he wasn't sure how the tournament fund is now at $144.00 when it was negative $368.00. He was not made aware of that fact until he was emailed the numbers. He asked Catalina where she took the difference from, and was told it came from the general fund.

Shawn also said that the board should have been made aware of taking that money out before it was taken from the general fund.

He also explained the difference could have been made up from the $1 per week that goes into the dart tournament fund. Shawn said that if we want to have a tournament next year we really need to work on fundraising because it costs around $8000.

Old Business

Shawn still has not replaced the rugs, he apologized and said they will be put in by the beginning of next dart season.

New Business

Annie talked about Eagles club giving us a hard time about being in the small ballroom, and has been in touch with Memory Lanes but that decision will be ultimately made by the next president, but we still would have at least one team at Eagles Club.

The board talked about having some kind of Christmas drive for toys for tots or some charity like that were we would collect money from dart league members, and the league would make a matching donation towards that charity.

Phil made a motion to have the board pick a Christmas charity and to collect donations from league members and to have the matching funds come from the general fund. The board would figure out the details of what charity etc. at there next board meeting in August. Seconded by Gary, motion passed.

Open discussion

Phil has spoken to Diane who is the director of the student transition program about scheduling a demonstration of darts over the summer.

Colleen asked about servicing boards, Annie said we do it every summer before the beginning of the year, and if there are any specific problems to please let the president know so they can be addressed.

Discussed different ideas for getting involvement in fundraisers such as giving discounts to the tournament to people who participate in fundraisers, trying to get out of towners to get more involved and making sure they know about fundraisers.

Shawn brought up if we really need non league members counting votes for elections, Mike B. felt that we don't trust our own sighted league members, and that it is unnecessary. Annie said most organizations she is part of people who aren't running for positions always have counted votes before. Its in the bylaws right now so could not be changed, so it will be brought up again in 2018 bylaws meeting.

Had elections

President Phil

Vice President Gary

Treasurer Catalina

Captains Rep Barb B.

Board members

Alternate Gail

Shawn made a motion to adjourn seconded by Gary, motion passed.

Meeting ended at 8:15pm

Shawn Bangsund

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