Twin Cities Blind Audio Dart League Minutes

Twin Cities Blind Audio Dart League
April 1st board meeting

The meeting was called to order at 12:37PM by president Annie Giddings
Board members present: Annie, Shawn B, Barb B, Catalina, Jordan, Gary

Secretary's report was read
Catalina motioned to accept seconded by Gary, motion carried.

Treasurers report as of December 1st 2016 to March 31st 2017

Beginning Balance: $6989.29


Team Dues: $2423.00
Tupperware: $134.00
Anthony Waldra: $200.00
Puffins: $597.00
Donations: $600.00
Quarters from tournament: $87.50
Daily 3: $1310.00
Tournament Registrations: $2420.00

Total deposits: $7771.50


PayPal fees $18.64
Rugs for toe boards: $5950
Dart board cords: $91.84
Target Gift cards for spotters: $77.74
Refund for tournament fee: $100.00
Microphone for tournament: $164.94
Anthony Waldra return check: $200.00
Puffins expenses: $372.00
Dart supplies: $55.58
Daily 3 winners: $900.00
Tournament prizes: $5610.00
Meal Stipend for Annette: $60.00
Room for Annette: $217.12
Dart board rental: $300.00
Tournament room: $1496.10

Total expenses: $9723.46

Ending balance as of March 31st 2017: $5037.33

Reserved accounts

Scholarship fund: $73.50
Dart board fund: $1987.02
Tournament fund: $-144.00

Available balance: $2832.81

Anthony Waldra had a check for 200.00 that was delivered to the wrong pobox, which Catalina deposited thinking it was for the tournament, she never got a registration from him, so she did a bunch of research and found his phone number and called him, he said that check was meant for something else. Catalina immediately sent him a refund check.

Dan got sick before the tournament which was the reason for the refund.

Reason for the negative balance for the tournament fund, was $1 of every weekly due goes to that fund, the rest of the dues money for the season will balance it out.

Shawn made a motion to accept treasurers report, Barb seconded, motion carried.

Vice presidents report

Been very quiet nothing much to report

Captain's rep report

All teams are full as of now. Ellen took Nancy from Ken's team. Ken took Craig.

Fundraising report

There was a lot of discussion about participation, why it was down and how we can get interest back up for fundraising.

Some things possibly coming up over summer.

Day tournament
Cribbage tournament
Hot dog stand at Cub at 59th and Nicolett which would be a 3 day commitment. Annie had concerns that we wouldn't be able to get enough help for running the hot dog stand.
Timber lodge fundraiser
Potbelly's gives 25% of proceeds
Shawn had suggestions of Little Caesars pizza kits, chick fillet, and Buffalo Wild Wings

Tournament committee

We had around 23 people at the tournament.
From what Shawn heard everyone had a good time, there was little complaints besides people being to noisy at times.
Shawn suggested to put in the tournament registration; something to the affect of this is a relaxed tournament.
We did lose money this year, but Shawn did not have the actual dollar amounts with him.
Will be looking into a possible different hotel for next year.
Will also talk about having the tournament every other year if fundraising continues to be low.

Old business

Shawn is still working on getting new rugs installed, they are cut and ready to go, just need to be installed which will be done ASAP

Will be replacing power cords on the boards at Memory Lanes, and at Eagles

Will be talking during general meeting about doing a Christmas charity.

New business

Shawn made a motion to purchase 4 dart board stands that will be paid for from the dart board fund, to use at tournaments, and for outreach possibilities, motion seconded by Catalina, motion carried.

Catalina would like the outreach committee to be started up again; Annie said she is more than happy to have that as long as people are interested in chairing it. We will ask at the general meeting.

Discussed having impartial people to count votes at the general meeting again. Shawn will send out an email. Gary motioned buying dinner for the counters, Catalina seconded, motion passed

Jordan asked about if the boards get serviced over the summer, Annie said they will be before the start of next year.

Shawn has a new lock for the board at VFW.

Annie has talked to Memory Lanes about coming back next year for a venue, and they told her they were very happy to have us back.

Gary made a motion to adjourn, Catalina seconded.
Meeting ended at 1:33PM

Shawn Bangsund

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